“Here at BettingJobs, each day we are given the opportunity to help people advance in their careers and can completely change the path people are going on for good. For me, when someone is genuinely grateful to you for changing their circumstances for the better and doing a professional job, that’s the most rewarding part of what we do.”

News, Articles and Insights

  • 18 Years of Excellence: CEO Jennifer Innes Celebrates Her 18th Work Anniversary

    It’s an exciting day at Betting Jobs HQ as our CEO, Jennifer Innes, celebrates her 18th work anniversary. To commemorate this special day, Jennifer shares with us 18 of her favourite memories at BettingJobs from over the years. 1. My first day at BettingJobs   I remember my first day at BettingJobs as if it were yesterday. […]

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  • iGB Live 2024 – A Fond Farewell to Amsterdam

    BettingJobs is excited to announce we are exhibiting at the final iGB Live in Amsterdam, which will take place from 16th – 19th July at the RAI. iGB Live is a pinnacle event on the iGaming calendar and provides our team with the opportunity to engage with a range of industry professionals including payment experts, operators, and […]

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  • Revolutionise Your Hiring Process With BettingJobs

    By Euan Green Dear Hiring Manager, Are you having trouble fulfilling your iGaming company’s hiring needs due to lack of time or resources? Worry no more, BettingJobs is here to help! With over 21 years of experience in this field, placing first class candidates with first class clients is what we do best. In today’s […]

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